01444 717750 info@coronuovo.org.uk

Thank You For Your Donation

We are all excited about returning to in-person rehearsals, albeit outdoors for now.  Whilst Coronavirus infections have reduced significantly and many members will have received a Covid-19 vaccination, we can’t entirely eliminate all Covid-19 risks.
We are not qualified to advise on individual circumstances and risks. Therefore you will have to decide whether you feel comfortable joining the rehearsal based on the actions below.
Coro Nuovo will require all rehearsal participants to comply with the following:
Do not attend the rehearsal if any of the following apply:
a) You have any coronavirus symptoms, .  For details of symptoms see: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/
b) You have been in close contact with someone with symptoms
c) NHS Track & Trace asked you to self-isolate
Wear a face covering when arriving, leaving or moving around at the rehearsal venue.
- Maintain 2-metre social distancing at all times, including when arriving and leaving the venue and during the rehearsal.  Seating will be set out consistent with this social distancing.
- Sign in on arrival.  We would prefer that you scan the QR code using the NHS app on your phone.  However we will have a sign in sheet available as well.
- In the event that you feel unwell during the rehearsal please let Kate Kent or Andy Rees know as soon as possible.
We will have hand sanitiser and some spare face covering masks available.
It’s completely your choice as to whether you wear a face covering when you are at your seat during the rehearsal.
Based on guidance provided by Making Music (the UK’s organisation for leisure time music) we have carried out a rehearsal risk assessment.  If you are interested, you can find the details here: