Coro Nuovo Workshop with Eamonn Dougan
A rare opportunity to take part in a local choral workshop with Eamonn Dougan, Assistant Conductor, The Sixteen.
The Workshop
The workshop – arranged by leading Sussex choir Coro Nuovo – will be a fun and engaging way to learn singing techniques from one of the top experts in vocal training. Participants will also be able to gain insights into the music sung by The Sixteen.
Due the interactive nature of this workshop, the number of places available is strictly limited. We recommend booking early to ensure your place.
The workshop will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 20 September 2023 at the Ascension Church in Haywards Heath. Doors open from 6.30pm.
Music Scores
If you will require a printed copy of the music to be used during the workshop, please order this when you book your place. Information on the music for the workshop will be sent out approximately two weeks before the event, including links to the music scores if you wish to print these yourself.
The cost of the workshop is £25 for Coro Nuovo choir members and £30 for guests and includes tea/coffee and biscuits. There is an additional cost of £4 if you require a printed copy of the workshop music.
Registration for the workshop is online but if you need help securing a place for this unique workshop, please email or call Coro Nuovo’s ticket helpline on 01444 717750.